Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Oh Yeah, I Saw the Movie and Read the Book

I went to see "The Devil Wears Prada" after work last night and it was good. I'm so glad I read the book first.

As soon as I got home, after calling Capt of course, I finished reading "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. That is an amazing novel....surprising, funny and poignant. I cried. But I'm not sure if I cried because of the amazing way the story ended or because of the fact that I never had any grandparents while growing up. They all died rather quickly before I was 5, so I only have a few memories of them. The book is about an elderly (93 year old) man reminising about how and why he joined a traveling circus in his 20's. I've never had anyone in my life that was elderly and full of interesting memories, and if I did, I would cherish him/her.

Well,next week I start vacation and I plan on reading more bestsellers. I'm starting off by going to Capt's house to take care of his children while he takes a course all day Saturday. Em, my neice is coming with me. On Monday, Vacation Bible School starts out by him, so I signed Em up and I will be helping out after VBS.

PookieBear wants to learn how to cook during that time. When I asked her exactly what she wanted to start with he asked me to show her how to make Tuna Helper....ugh! PookieBear and Boy are picky eaters, I'm not used to that. They both love canned ravioli and spaghetti-os yet eat lots of healthy stuff too. Maybe I'll teach her how to make sloppy joe's from scratch. Maybe she will get excited about doing a little gourment cooking as well. Hey, I can dream, can't I? I love gourmet's very relaxing to me.

Then on Thursday I have a flight to SC to visit Mom and Dad. I can't wait to see how much Mom has improved. I leave them on Sunday.

But in order for me to take the week off, I have to work twice as hard as usual to get everything done. That means getting to work early and leaving late, no lunch breaks and more stress. I need to get out of this line of work. Really.


OhTheJoys said...

Funny - my parents call me Pookie Fritz!

rena said...

Getting out of "this line of work"...yeah, I can relate. Being in the middle of courses and training to attempt to change career's mid life only has me chomping at the bit even!!
Hope you don't get too busy and stressed and have a great vacation. Will be able to get online while you're gone?

Theresa said...

Rena: Yes, I will be able to get online. Capt not only has online access, his whole house is wireless everything. I can even print from my laptop without plugging into anything. And when my laptop enters his house I'm networked with all his computers. Capt's a techno geek. As for my parent's condo in SC. I pirate someone else's wireless, there's usually 6 or 7 to chose from. Am I admitting something bad here? I have no clue.

Monica said...

Boy have I been busy. I had to catch up on my reading of you!

I do lament your not having had the full grandparent experience. They are truly a joy. My father's mother was my best friend. But I suppose the next best thing is to BE a grandparent and that one you can relish when it's your turn. You're too young right now!