Monday, September 18, 2006

Yes, I'm Weird

Better is One Day In Your Courts has tagged me for this 5 Weird Things About Me Meme.

I am a bit reluctant to divulge this weird information to you, mostly because I can't believe that any of you would be interested. And there's the fact that you all might stop being my blog friends when you realize how sick in the head I really am. Anyhoo, here goes:

Five weird things about me:

1. Whenever I see a fortune cookie I must grab it and crush it in my fist. It's an uncontrollable urge. Likewise, I must always step on dry macaroni that has spilled on the grocery floor to hear it crumble beneath my foot. It's uncontrollable, honestly.

2. I get claustrophobic in a snowstorm. Just think about it, you can't see the sky, you're blanketed in blinding just gets me all freaked out.

3. I abhor Jack-in-the-boxes. They are not funny. They are not playful. They should not be considered a toy. What were the makers of these spawn of satan thinking when they marketed this as a child's toy?

4. My long term memory was somewhat short circuited during an accidental drug administration in a hospital three years ago. My boyfriend notices it more than me and he kind of likes it. He says it's like having a new girlfriend every week.

5. Even though I used to live in an apartment and had them frequently, and since I've owned my house (16) years I've only had one, rodents freak me the heck out....especially when they enter uninvited. What disturbs me is they have hearts and lungs, kidneys and spleens, things that lions and tigers have. Moreover they are much more intelligent and complex than everyday, run-of-the-mill bugs and spiders. Does anyone but me understand that? They breathe, they see, they hear, they feel....and I didn't invite them in!

Now, I'd like to tag Liz, Rena, Jerry (which will be easy because he's really weird), lala and anyone else that would like to do this meme.


rena said...

Ah, you got me!!
Ok, that fortune cookie're right..that is weird!
Whenever I read a fortune cookie, I add "in bed" to the end...and then laugh myself silly. Easily entertained, I am.
I'll get on this one.

Looney Mom™ said...

Oh funny! I totally loved it! And yay!! I get to confess my weirdness now too! Hee hee.

So what's up with the pudding already? I'm still waiting!

Cheryl said...

I agree with jack in the boxes. You can never out guess them. They scare the snot out of you every time the pop open. A sick toy to be sure!

someone else said...

Oh the rodent thing!! They are hideous little creatures. They don't have spines so they can flatten and get under the smallest spaces. I hate them too!!

Those were some entertaining weird things.

Theresa said...

LooneyBin4Sure: The pudding turned out to be pretty good. It tasted like graham crackers and carrot cake with raisins. When I went shopping in CT with Capt this past weekend at his Stop & Shop I saw it again. Certainly a strange name for a pudding.

Lala's world said...

haha thanks for the tag! I will do it tonight! I love these kind of meme's cuz you learn stuff you normally don't post too much about!!

Lala's world said...

oh ok and what Rena does with fortune cookies!! J and I do that too!! LOL maybe it is a canadian thing?

Theresa said...

I'm gonna try that next time with the fortune cookie.

Roo said...

weird is wonderful. :)

Kristen said...

You are funny!! Wierd, but great!!

Thanks for commenting on my 125th post and helping me reach my goal!! :-)

I hope you'll come and visit me again soon! :-)

Looney Mom™ said...

I'm calling all prayer warriors to PRAY FOR MY DAUGHTER tonight -- PLEASE!!!

Lala's world said...

ok I posted my meme!

Monica said...

I hear you on the Jack In The Boxes. Who is this "Jack" anyway and what did he do to deserve getting put in a box? Wait! Was it a because someone named Jack died long ago when they buried people with bells and he range the bell and they came and dug him up out of the ground realizing he was still alive and when he popped out someone thought it would be a neat toy? Am I OK? Yes. Thanks for asking.

But I can tolerate those crazy toy devils because I can control them. What I dislike are their evil, living counterparts - clowns! I detest them for the same reason I detest people in costume - what the heck is hiding under there under that plastic grin? Ugh! Spooky!

Monica said...

By the way, I don't feel like working today so I am going to take you up on this meme.

Now let me think.....

Shayne said...

LOL...Weirdos UNITE!!!