Monday, November 06, 2006

Please Pray

Good Morning Friends,

I'd like to ask you to pray for a family from the small town in Connecticut that I speak of frequently.

From what I've been told, this past Saturday a 12 year old boy and his parents were arguing. The boy told his parents that he was going to "hang himself" and stormed out of the room. A while later the father came in and found him. It appears that the boy attempted his threat and accidentally died.

I just cannot image the pain the family is going through.

The two issues I am praying about are these:

First: That the father, and family, feel the loving presence of grace and peace of our Father. That a spirit of forgiveness enters into their hearts in a supernatural way.

Second: That the children of the town keep a levelness of reality during this time of grief. That these children do not idolize the attention that this incident has generated. That the parents, teachers and school staff in the town have the wisdom to guide their children through the grief correctly.

Thank you.


someone else said...

That's unspeakably tragic! I've said a prayer for them.

Looney Mom™ said...

Oh my gosh! I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like. What a tragedy for sure. Praying right now.

Jerry Novick said...

oh Lord God, no...

C... said...

Oh how awful. God help them through this pain.

Dawn said...

Horrific! A classmate of my daughter's did that when she was in high school - found by his little sister. Such sadness!